What is a PECT project?

PECT projects evolve around innovation and territorial smart specialisation. They are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operative Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 and respond to the desire to organise and bring together the elements that are decisive for the economic development of a territory, in line with the European strategy of Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) and the corresponding Catalan strategy RIS3CAT. PECTs integrate initiatives articulated and promoted from the local level with a strong innovative component for the economic transformation of the territory and for the generation of sustainable economic activity and employment.

Core idea

  • Enhancing research, technological development and innovation: knowledge transfer and cooperation between enterprises and research centres.
  • Improving the use, quality and accessibility of ICT: eGovernment, eLearning, eInclusion, eCulture and eHealth.
  • Improving the competitiveness of SMEs: support for the creation and expansion of advanced capabilities for the development of products and services.

Mataró-Maresme: an ecosystem of innovation for caring cities and its operations and actions derive from a transversal strategy of the territory that revolves around smart specialisation in the socio-health field. It provides special emphasis on innovation, research and knowledge transfer in the care, attention and improvement of the quality of life of the most vulnerable and fragile groups, especially the elderly and people with disabilities.


The ageing of the population, due to the increase in life expectancy, is one of the main social challenges which developed countries face. Life expectancy in Catalonia is one of the highest in the world. With age, the prevalence of chronic diseases and the need for health care increases. People over 65 years of age represent the 18% of the population and consume the 80% of health resources.

In order to target this situation, social and economic challenges in the social and healthcare field have to look and extend to new lines of research and work, such as the dimensioning of demand and supply of healthcare, the promotion of preventive policies, the digital learning of population groups at risk of exclusion and the development and implementation of e-health, among others. These are challenges that this project aims to accomplish.


To develop and implement in the territory innovative models and solutions to support active ageing and care for people in situations of fragility, dependence, chronicity or disability through research procedures, technological development and generation and transfer of knowledge between the agents involved, as a basis for the creation of employment and economic activity.

Improve competitiveness and productive capacity

To improve the productive capacity and competitiveness of the agents and companies in the social and health care sector in the Maresme region, so that they can generate employment and wealth.

Mataró, benchmark in innovation and research

To promote Mataró and the Maresme region as an area that centers its efforts on for innovation, knowledge and research in the social and healthcare sector, on a national and international scale.

Sustainability of the health sector

To advance towards sustainability, competitiveness and research applied to the health sector.

Smart specialisation

To ensure that the smart specialisation implemented is a driving force for the transformation of the economy and society, producing multiplier effects in other sectors of activity and in the territorial brand as a whole.


Operation 1


Operation 2


Operation 3
Impact of physical exercise on health and the elderly in the Maresme region (EfSaGaMar)


Operation 4
Diagnosis and innovative treatment of fragility and oropharyngeal dysphagia: for healthy and autonomous ageing


Operation 5


Operation 6
Research and social innovation: towards a new model of support for inclusive active community ageing for people with intellectual disabilities and other groups


Operation 7
Transfer of knowledge to improve the QoL of the elderly population of Maresme


Participating entities

Ajuntament de MataróConsorci Sanitari del MaresmeTecnocampusEurecatFundació El Maresme DiscapacitatsFundació Hospital Sant Jaume i Santa MagdalenaConsell Comarcal del MaresmeTicSalut Social

Co-financed by:

The PECT Mataró-Maresme: an ecosystem of innovation for caring cities is a project co-financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya within the framework of the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of Catalonia 2014-2020.